MY story

When I was 17 my dad suddenly past away of a heart attack. 

Being young, unprepared, a teenager in a conflict with myself; I had a tough time and consequently disconnected from my feelings. My father was someone who sacrificed his life to pleasing others — to be accepted and valued in social norms, to proof himself and to his family constantly that he can reach high, losing his true self in the process. 

Finding myself losing someone at that early age made me question — Why are we here? Why are we doing all of this? All of this called life. All the hustle, all the worries, everything to be accepted in society. What is this all about? 

My life took a first big turn when I was 25 — deciding to leave my home country Germany to see the world, experience the joy of life and move to South Africa. Life seemed better there. People have less but they are happy, they are content, they are present. South Africa was one of my biggest teachers. It grounded me and gave me new perspectives on how to live life differently. To question my own belief system I grew up with, to feel deep, to live deep, and experience it all; before life throws you deep under the bus again.  

After working many years as producer in the film industry overseas and in Europe - being burned out, suffering from panic attacks; my body signaled me: slow down, pause, release, and above all — reconnect with yourself. It’s so easy to run away and allow distractions to take over our own emotional well-being. When faced with a traumatizing experience it’s common to detach from our own emotions as a coping mechanism. Because it’s easier to deal with it. But is it really? How long can we run away from them? I wonder.

Years of therapy, exploring alternative healing methods, discovering yoga in 2017 — a protracted journey through unraveling my own emotions. It opened up my horizon and led me to realization that our choices shape our destiny. And most and foremost — It’s our own choices we make. Where do we prioritize our own health along this spectrum of choices? 

I made the choice to redirect my focus on what I had learnt from my dad’s passing: Being connected to my true Self and providing individuals with something that potentially enhances their lives too: A tool, an inspiration, a food for thought, a leading example? 

And now, here I am, creating SUKHA — a sanctuary to promote personal growth and holistic well-being on different topics. My aspiration is to offer a piece of myself to you, to facilitate a journey towards being in a better space; as a yoga teacher and founder, with a strong community of different holistic health practitioners. 

You never know when it’s too late, so why not doing something you enjoy doing right now at this present moment?

June 19, 2024